As a professional real estate agent, my name is Luis Mendez. I have extensive experience in the industry, having assisted clients with buying and selling properties for many years. My background includes growing up in various states due to my father’s service in the military, and eventually settling in Orlando, FL in 1998. In 2019, I relocated my family to the picturesque community of Lake Wales, FL. Throughout my career, clients have consistently praised my involvement in what they deem to be the most significant decision they have ever made. Given this, I firmly believe that the process of purchasing or selling a home is a major decision and that it is crucial to choose a qualified and trusted realtor to represent you. I take pride in the trust and confidence that my clients place in me and would be honored to provide that same level of service to you.
affordable cities Affordable living beaches boating Bok Tower Gardens central Florida community centers cost of living cultural community cultural events Curb appeal educational offerings equestrian centers Excellent education family-friendly fishing Florida Florida lifestyle garden golf courses HGTV Hidden gem home and garden horse farms housing options lakes Lake Wales Lake Wales High School Local businesses Natural beauty natural springs nature New home destination Outdoor enthusiasts outdoors Parks and hiking trails Polk State College recreational activities Remodel Remodeled downtown short drive from Orlando small town state parks Strong community theme parks